From the Rolecenter you get an overview of all subscriptions.
The tiles are divided into different statuses.
SMARTsubscription list shows the total number of subscriptions created, regardless of status.
Open (Statistics) shows the total number of subscriptions with this status. When a subscription is created, it automatically starts in the status Planned and is not included in the invoicing routine or in the forecast.
Active (Statistics) are the subscriptions that are in progress and that are included in the billing and the forecast.
Blocked (Statistics) are subscriptions that have been paused or that have been closed, and thus are not included in invoicing.
Current month (To be invoiced) are the subscriptions that must be invoiced in this way.
3 months (Forecast)
6 months (Forecast)
12 months (Forecast)
New subscriptions can be created directly from the SMARTsubscription list by selecting New, or directly from the customer list or customer card by selection New Documents and SMARTsubscription.
Here you select how offen the subscription should be invoiced
You can choose between Sales Invoice or Sales Order.
The field Description is a internal filed and Specifies the internal description used to get a better subscription overview.
If no end date is specified, forecasts will be displayed for the next 12 months.
If an end date is specified, the forecast will be displayed for the entire period.
When you have entered all the information you want, the status must change to Active.